This new article of mine on young Muslims in Hong Kong, has just been published in the Journal of Intercultural Studies. It is part of a special edition on young people and everyday multiculturalism. The research in this edition forms a very interesting collection with work from India, Germany, Australia, Canada, Italy, and Hong Kong.
I am very proud and pleased to have contributed to this project intially conceived by Dr Anita Harris. Her passion for the topic brought a number of scholars together in Italy to present and work on the papers which are now collected together in this journal. The focus on youth and everyday multiculturalism is clearly a vibrant and topical issue for youth studies. These papers provide support for the emerging concept of everyday multiculturalism and indicate that there is much more that can be researched within this field.
The Journal of Intercultural Studies is published by Sage and is currently sponsored by the Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University.